Recognising First Nations sovereignty and decolonisation
We are working towards unlearning the impacts of colonisation and how we can best contribute to the work of decolonisation and work with Aboriginal owned organisations.
We acknowledge that we as second-gens benefit from colonisation and live, work and play on stolen land against permission. We recognise that colonisation continues to impact communities today and also recognise the strength and resilience of hundreds of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations as the oldest living continuous culture.
Women of colour are not a monolith
We recognise that First Nations Women, Bla(c)k Women and Women of Colour are not monolithic groups. People identifying as women are - like all humans diverse, contradictory, complex, imperfect. We reject monothinking and limiting binaries. We use storytelling and counter storytelling to dismantle the monolith.
We seek to build connections and coalitions not assuming a shared identity, but uplifting and promoting other practitioners, activists and consultants working in this space with us. We do not need to identify and define ourselves in a way that separates us from others.
Embodiment and connection of mind, spirit, body and land
We respect that there is more than one way of knowing and that knowing lives in our bodies and spirits as well as our minds. We recognise that we are breaking intergenerational patterns and expectations by loving our bodies, embracing rest, honouring our emotions, going after our career ambitions and connecting to our inner intuition and knowing.
The space that we create is a safe space for our emotions (all of them), thoughts, bodies and spirits. We bring food to meetings! We practice wellbeing through movement and song, we play, we dance, we work a four day work week. We take a moment to breathe and pay attention to our breath.
Inequity, systemic change and transfer of power
Women and people of colour experience multiple and intersecting discriminations such as pay inequity, insecure work, barriers to employment, lack of representation in leadership including political leadership, legal discrimination and violence.
We do not believe that systemic change will occur as a result of being nice, feeling guilt or shame, or women of BIPOC people working on themselves. We actively seek to share and transfer power through our work. We preference working with BIPOC organisations, employing women of colour and we pay people appropriately for their time and effort. We work to learn from different social movements, to connect with and build collective action for systemic change in Australia.
Time, compassion and social change
We recognise that the work of seeing different identities in different social locations, overcoming and reimagining systemic inequalities and discrimination will take this lifetime and more. We celebrate our small wins and the seeds that we plant.
We recognise that the work can be hard and we will make mistakes along the way but commit to continuous learning and humbly listening. We are compassionate to ourselves and others - supporting our emotions, spirits and bodies. We are brave in our conversations and work and engage in a spirit of love and generosity.
Our principles and practices

Useful resources
Beyond Solidarity: Bridging the Black-Asian Divide by the Othering & Belonging Institute
Michael Kimmel - Why gender equlity is good for everyone
African Womanhood and Incontinent Bodies by Dr K Gatwiri
Woman, Native, Other by Trinh T. Minh-ha
Invisible Women: Data bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez
White Tears, Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad
Wurundjeri-al Narrm-u (Wurundjeri's Melbourne) by Mandy Nicholson, David Jones
Helpful websites/Online resources
Anti-Racist Teaching Collective​